
Galle area (Mahamodara)

Siththy Fareeda Hussain


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Siththy Fareeda Hussain (61 Years) No.100/8A, Hirumbura Cross Road, Karapitiya, Galle, Passed Away.Earlier lived in No.26/40D, Bope Cross Road, Osanagoda, Galle. Daughter of Late Mr. & Mrs. Hussain Wife of A.S.M. Mubarak Mother of Ilyas, Ikram, Irshad, Fareena & Farhana Mother-in-law of Najeeb...

A. S. Saleem


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! A.S. Saleem (98Years) No: 3A, Heenpendala, Road, Galle, Passed Away. Father of Muhideen, Mujahideen, Faiza, Raihana & Late Shameela Father-in-law of Late Malik Marikkar, M R Mohamed, Late Al-Haj Jowzy INSHAA ALLAH #JANAZA BURIAL WILL BE ON 06th of March 2024 Wednesday (Night) 7:30pm @ Ossanagoda ...

Mohamed Jawsy


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Mohamed Jawsy (61 Years) No: 3A, Heenpendala, Road, Osanagoda, Galle, Passed Away.Earlier Lived in Thalapitiya Son of Late Thameem & Late A. M. M. Thameem Son-in-law of Saleem (Osanagoda) Father of Rusain Nafwan, Rikas & Nuska Brother of Al-Haj Ismath (Thalapitiya), Isham (Galle Fort) & Ikram...

Ahamed Hussain -Dora Nana


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Ahamed Hussain -Dora Nana (77 years) 43/1, Humes Road Ossanagoda, Galle, Passed Away. Son of Late Al-Haj Mohamed Maksoom Father of Zanhar & Farsan Father-in-law of Risni, Irfan, Rafaideen & Hisham Brother of Matheen Brother-in-law of Late Samadani & Al-Haj Zarook Grand Father of Aqeel, Shazeen...

Kahairul Fasliya


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Kahairul Fasliya (79 Years) No: 26/41, Boope Cross Road, Osanagoda, Galle. Passed Away. Wife of Haneefa Marikkar Mother of Ahamed Faslan Marikkar, Ahamed Fawzan Marikkar & Fazeela Farwin Mother-in-law of Shihabdeen (Mahuruf Moulavi) INSHAA ALLAH JANAZA BURIAL WILL BE ON 19th of October 2023 Thursday...

Abdul Cader Fareesa


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Abdul Cader Fareesa (75 Years) No: 259/10, Jiffrya Lane, Kongtree Road, Thalapitiya, Galle, Passed Away. (Earlier Lived in Osanagoda) Daughter of Late Al-Haj Abdul Cader & Late Fathima Wife of Muhammed Nawas Mother of Fareena Mother-in-law of Rauf Hameed Sister of Late Lafir, Late Hassen, Safeer &...

A.C.M. Fuward


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! A.C.M. Fuward (70 Years) No:194/10C, Sirasa Mawatha, Mahamodara, Galle, Passed away. Husband of Sameena Begum Father of F.S.M. Riyas, F.S.M. Fiyas & Zareena Fuward Father-in-law of M.H.M. Muneer (Gintota) Grand Father of M.M.M. Saajid INSHAA ALLAH #JANAZA BURIAL WILL BE ON 01st of May 2023 Monday...

Ummu Habeeba


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Ummu Habeeba (64 Years) No: 26/36A, Bope Cross Road, Osanagoda, Galle, Passed Away. Daughter of Late Cader Wife of Late Rafeek (Mahamodara) Sister of Munaf, Muhideen & Late Noordeen Maternal Aunty of Nisam, Ibrahim & Hajan Grand Mother of Hidayathulla, Rahmathullah, Minnathullah, Adan & Aathir...

Khairun Maraliya -Khairu datha


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Mohamed Hassen Khairun Maraliya -Khairu datha (63 Years)No: 01 Muhiyaddeen Jum’aa Masjidh Lane, Thalapitiya, Galle, Passed Away. (Earlier Lived in No: 94/17, Sirasa Mawatha, Mahamodara) Wife of M.Z.M.Hilmy Mother of Fathima Shafna Mother-in-law of S.H.S. Rajabdeen & M.T. Mohamed Sister of Mahroof...

Jennathul Mafdhuha -Janna Datha


INNALILLAHI WAINNAILAYHI RAJI’OON !!WE BELONG TO ALLAH AND TO HIM SHALL WE RETURN !! Jennathul Mafdhuha -Janna Datha (73 Years) Humes Road, Osanagoda, Galle, Passed Away. Wife of Late Muhammad Lafir Mother of Lafran, Ruzana, Rihana, Mafasa & Mazeena Mother-in-law of Nisar, Faisal, Irfan & Riyal Sister of Late Al-Haj Musharraf, Zanooba & Khairul Inaya Paternal Aunty of Al-Haj...

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